Title: The Sopranos 5th Season | Title: Countdown Teaser 1 |
Production Company: HBO | Publisher: DC Comics |
Release date: 2004 | Cover date: 2007 |
Photographer: | Artist: Phil Jimenez |
Title: The Last Supper | Title: Countdown Teaser 2 |
Publisher: | Publisher: DC Comics |
Year: 1495-1498 | Cover date: 2008 |
Artist: Leonardo Da Vinci | Artist: Ethan Van Sciver |
Title: The Rock | Title: Brightest Day Teaser |
Publisher: | Publisher: DC Comics |
Year: 1944-1948 | Cover date: 2010 |
Artist: Peter Blume | Artist: Ivan Reis |
BD had some weird inspirations. Very cool homages, though.